The Prince of Peace Has ComeЗагвар

The Prince of Peace Has Come

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Jesus Is the Prince of Peace

John cried out, “In the wilderness, prepare the way of the Lord….” Did you know that John’s father, Zechariah, sang and praised God when John was born? He prophesied: “You, my child, will be called a prophet of the Most High, for you will go before the Lord to prepare the way for him, to give his people the knowledge of salvation through the forgiveness of their sins, because of the tender mercy of our God [who will] guide our feet into the path of peace.” (Luke 1:76–79]

God has taken the initiative. He has come to you in the wilderness. He has come in a way that has captured your attention. He has touched your heart and stirred your faith so that you can respond and say yes to Him. This is what He desires. The story of God’s plan for humanity recorded in Scripture tells us that God created us, Satan tried to destroy us, Jesus redeems us, and we can be restored to God.

Right now, consider the truth that Jesus is the Prince of Peace. Believe the redemptive message of Christ. Believe that He has made a lifestyle of peace available to you. Choose to receive Him and recognize His presence with you.

As you choose to believe, the overtaking presence of God’s peace is washing over you, filling all of the broken places of loneliness, apprehension, insecurity and regret. He is washing away all of the things that would disallow the Prince of Peace from reigning in your life. Pray this prayer, believing that God hears you:

Thank You, Lord Jesus, that You have come to me and shown me how much You truly love me. Thank You for giving Yourself for me so that I can belong to You and enjoy Your wonderful peace. I accept You as my Savior and as my Lord. I believe that where You are, there is peace because You are the Prince of Peace. Thank You that You have come to live with me. Your peace is now mine. I reject my old attitudes of fear and inferiority and hopelessness. I accept You and the reality of Your presence. You are my peace in every situation. Thank You. In Jesus’ name! Amen.
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