Be Confident in GodЗагвар

Be Confident in God

11-с 3 дахь өдөр

Confidence that God will fulfill all of His promises

And I am sure of this, that He who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.” (Philippians 1:6)

The life of a Christian is characterized by longing expectation. There are many blessings we have already received. God’s salvation plan for humanity has been carried out for a very large part already: Jesus Christ was born as a human, He died in our place, He conquered death and He sent His Holy Spirit to live in our hearts. On a personal level, if you have accepted Jesus Christ in faith, you have been delivered from the domain of darkness and transferred to the Kingdom of God. You are no longer a slave of sin, but free to live according to God’s will. You are now at peace with your Creator. These are all great gifts of grace! However, there is still sin remaining in our lives, which can make us feel discouraged. We are still waiting for Jesus’ return and His final victory over Satan. We are still suffering from the brokenness of this world. There is still so much imperfection in our lives...

Therefore, it is important to be confident that God will fulfill all of His promises. Our present lives are much better than they were before we got to know God, but they’ll get far better still!

Are you confident of God’s great future, despite present setbacks or disappointments? What fuels this confidence?

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