Chosen to Be a Miracle!Загвар

Chosen to Be a Miracle!

26-с 19 дахь өдөр

Come and see.

Here is Nathanael’s story…

I have to admit that I have many skills, but diplomacy is not one of them. Many people have told me throughout my life that I am very direct when I speak, and I don't like half-truths.

This tendency has created many problems and enemies for me throughout my life. It was also one of the reasons I lost my job as an architect...I didn't have a good relationship with my boss.

I had fought so hard to become the first Jewish architect in Caesarea Philippi! I couldn't believe that my career had ended in such an unexpected way. So great was my disappointment that I took all the plans I had drawn up and went to the countryside, where I could be completely alone. I sat under a fig tree and opened my heart to God. I was broken, and I didn't feel Him near me. I began to burn the plans in my sadness while I almost shouted, "Do not hide Your face from me! Do You see me? Do You see me?"

A few days later, even amid my anguish, an unexpected visit from my good friend Philip cheered me up. He had been a disciple of John the Baptist for years, but he had recently begun to follow another teacher named Jesus from Nazareth. It didn't make sense to me: could anything good come out of Nazareth? His eyes fixed on me, Philip said with a conviction I'd never seen in him before, "He's the One. The One who Moses foretold and the prophets said would come. The One. Jesus of Nazareth, son of Joseph."

Under normal circumstances, I wouldn't have bothered to go, but Philip's conviction really caught my attention. And that's how I met Him. At that first meeting, Jesus spoke to me as if He knew me, and to my bewilderment, looking me straight in the eye, He said, "'I have known you long before Philip called you to come and see...When you were in your lowest moment and you were alone, I did not turn My face from you. I saw you under the fig tree.'" (adapted from John 1:43-51, NKJV)

I was speechless. No one but the Messiah could have known these things. His answer deeply touched my heart. I knew I had found the One I'd sought all my life, and I was ready to follow Him from that very moment onward.

My name is Nathanael, and I have been chosen by Jesus.

Bible references: John 1:43-51

You may sometimes feel alone, and God doesn't hear your cry. But that's not true: He always listens to you. He is attentive to you at every moment, and He wants to turn your most complicated situations around. Today, cling to Him more than ever. It's in His faith that you have the victory!

You are Chosen to be a Miracle!

Christian Misch


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Chosen to Be a Miracle!

What if, these next 25 days, we could remember the miracles that Jesus performed in the lives of those who came to Him, and we were inspired by their stories to experience God's miracles in our own lives and also be miracles for others? Join Christian Misch as he examines the lives and testimonies of those who chose to follow Jesus Based on The Chosen series by Angel Studios.
