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Genesis marks the beginning of betrayal and envy that led to the Bible's first murder. Chapter four shares the events of Cain and Abel's life and, ultimately, Abel's death. Though this story of two brothers ended in tragedy, Joseph’s ending with his brothers didn't. Chapter 37 of Genesis shares the lineage of Joseph before he shares his dream with his brothers. We see Joseph, a favored kid with unfavorable brothers. On two occasions, Joseph shares his prophetic dreams with his brothers, invoking envy in their hearts for him and his dreams. 

One day, Joseph's brothers saw him far off, and immediately they began to scheme a plan to get rid of him. Reuben (his older brother) intervened and spoke against their plan to kill him. Then Judah suggested that they sell him to a clan of Ishmaelites passing through who were headed to Egypt. As Joseph sat in that dark pit, I can only imagine the plethora of emotions that filled his heart and soul. One thing about love, when an offense occurs, the love switch as I like to call it, or the way you feel about that person does not turn off when the pain is inflicted. Instead, internally you wrestle with the emotions of love and the conflicting emotion of hate. Your love for the offender fuels the question, why? The anger you experience while in the betrayal ignites the ugly emotion of rage and anger.

I am grateful that God’s plans cannot be thwarted. What Satan and Joseph’s brothers didn’t know was that God had a plan in a plan. Not only would God mature, groom, and strengthen Joseph for His service, but He would also ultimately use Joseph’s position to redeem his entire family from a famine. 

Right now, depending on how fresh your wounds are, it may be hard to see the light amid your emotional distress. But I encourage you to determine in your heart that you will trust that God will work things out for your good. Choose from this day forward that you will take every thought that says you can’t overcome this pain captive and ask God to allow you to see what you are to do with the pain from the offense. 

There is always a recycle bin outside your situation that God plans to reuse for His purposes. In retrospect, Joseph saw God’s providential hand amid his betrayal and was able to weep, hug, and comfort his brothers with these words when he revealed his identity to them in Genesis 50:19:20 KJV: “And Joseph said unto them, Fear not: for am I in the place of God? But as for you, ye thought evil against me; but God meant it unto good, to bring to pass, as it is this day, to save much people alive

Joseph’s perspective can become your truth as well, in time, when you surrender every grievance to God. 

Be Encouraged. 

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