The Whole Story: A Life in God's Kingdom, Part OneЗагвар
Daily Reflection: In Mark 4:10-20, Jesus is alone with the disciples, and they ask him to explain the parable of the sower. This passage draws on yesterday’s reading as Jesus expounds on the fact that only those who have true ears to hear will be able to understand, listen, and obey. Take note of verse 13, where Jesus says to the disciples, “do you not understand this parable? How then will you understand all the parables?” As disciples of Jesus, the more we cultivate a heart of good soil and put into practice what he teaches us, the more truths he will begin to pour out to us. Let’s be men and women who can steward well the mysteries of the Kingdom of God, being a guide for others who enter into God’s amazing family.
Daily Demonstration: Take time to reflect upon how God has been speaking to you during this fast. What are the mysteries and truths that the Lord has revealed to you? Perhaps consider sharing some of those “seeds” with others in your life, whether that be a family member, co-worker, others participating in the fast, or a friend today.
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Celebration Church, Reading Plan, The Whole Story, A Life in God's Kingdom, Part One