The Whole Story: A Life in God's Kingdom, the Word of GodЗагвар

The Whole Story: A Life in God's Kingdom, the Word of God

20-с 11 дахь өдөр

The Gospel


The gospel, literally translated as “the good news”, is the story of Jesus Christ – including his life, teachings, miracles, death, and resurrection. Through his story, God’s family can find their place in the narrative of their redemption, and place hope in the perfect kingship of Jesus. To accept the gospel as truth is to take a step towards declaring one’s loyalty to YHWH and entrance into the kingdom of God. 


Instructions for Daily Reading 

Each day as you engage the Scripture, we recommend following this pattern of devotional reading.  


[Take a brief moment of silence to quiet your heart.] 


1. Read the Scripture aloud. 

2. Seek out where King Jesus is at work in the Scripture. 

3. Pray over the Scripture. 

4. Discern how this Scripture impacts your life. 


[Demonstrate loyalty to Jesus in one tangible way today.] 


Daily Readings  - Hebrews 10:19-39

Discussion & Reflection: Before the resurrection of Jesus, only priests were able to enter into the direct presence of God. Jesus paid the highest price and became the ultimate sacrifice that would allow us to commune with God and experience his direct presence. Could you imagine life before Jesus’ sacrifice? How does spending time in God’s presence shift your circumstances? 

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