1 Peter: Confidence in a Complex WorldЗагвар

1 Peter: Confidence in a Complex World

22-с 21 дахь өдөр

21: For He Cares for You

Who is the most detestable fictional villain? Darth Vader from Star Wars? Nurse Ratched in One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest? Commodus in Gladiator? President Snow in The Hunger Games? Someone else?

We describe such characters as diabolical, which comes from diabolos, the Greek word Peter uses to describe the devil in 5:8. Throughout his letter, Peter’s said some mind-blowing things about the people of God. They are part of God’s great story, recipients of mercy, joy, and hope. They are called to become like God in their character, and represent him to the people they live among, even their persecutors! 

Alongside this awesome reality, Peter has been refreshingly honest: following Christ will involve suffering, and we see that again here. The devil (the diabolos) seeks to destroy the people of God through deception, temptation, and intimidation, as he ‘prowls around like a roaring lion’ (5:8). No wonder Peter calls Christians to ‘be alert and of sober mind’. 

Though wisdom is called for, ultimately our ability to thrive as the people of God does not depend on our own grit and guile, but on the power and care of God.

God’s hand is ‘mighty’ (5:6). The same hand that flung flies and hurled hail at Egypt; that holds oceans and measures skies; that satisfies every living creature; that same hand will lift up those who humbly trust in God. And God cares so much for his people he invites us to ‘cast all [our] anxiety on him’ (5:7). The battle may be fierce, but God is with us! Knowing this would have given confidence to those early disciples, just as it can for us today.

So, we have God with us, and we have our wider Christian family too. We can look down the corridors of time, and gaze across oceans to see we are not alone in this battle (5:9). Millions have suffered for following Christ. Millions can testify to his sustaining power and care.

Perhaps today you need to be reminded you have an enemy. He may be sowing seeds of lies, offering forbidden fruit, or just roaring to scare you into bland living. Have none of it! You are not called to lie low on your frontline, but to stand for Jesus and his kingdom; to make a difference where you are. Whether deceived, tempted, or terrified, cast all your anxieties on God, for he cares for you.


What lies, temptations, or fears might be preventing you from fully engaging in God’s mission on your frontline?

If your heart was 100 per cent convinced that almighty God is with you every day, and that he deeply cares for you, what difference would that make to how you lived?


Allow that truth to soak into your mind and heart: God is mighty and he cares for you. Where are you are feeling harassed, helpless, or fearful? Bring those thoughts and feelings to the God of the universe. 


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