1 Peter: Confidence in a Complex WorldЗагвар

1 Peter: Confidence in a Complex World

22-с 17 дахь өдөр

17: It Looks So Appealing

The locals called it the ‘Blue Lagoon’. On a hot day, dozens would swim in the turquoise waters of this disused quarry just outside Buxton in Derbyshire. What these bathers hadn’t noticed (or chose not to notice) were the signs warning of the water’s high pH level – 11.3. Bleach has a pH level of 12.3! The water was contaminated with caustic chemicals, abandoned vehicles, and dead animals. The council subsequently dyed the water black to make it less appealing.

Sin, warns Peter, is exactly like the Blue Lagoon. It looks so appealing. You see the sun shimmering on the rippling surface, as laughing faces dive in and splash around. ‘Jump in!’ they call out. ‘Don’t be so boring!’ But they ignore the warning signs: ‘Corrosive water! Swimming here will lead to judgement.’ 

The temptation for these early Christians would have been great. They used to be ‘pagans … living in debauchery, lust, drunkenness, orgies, carousing and detestable idolatry’ (4:3). The instant gratification these things promised, along with the pressure to join in may perhaps have felt too much to bear.

Again, Peter reminds them of who they were, and who they are now. They’ve broken off their toxic relationship with sin, entering an eternal relationship with Jesus. Going back to such empty ways, ways that would lead to judgement, would be nothing short of self-sabotage.

Refusing the allure of sin is not just about what is good for us, nor is it just about avoiding God’s judgement (though both form part of the picture). We are called to be the people of God, to serve as royal priests. Our lives are supposed to reflect the beauty of our Lord, that others may be attracted to him. If Jesus rescues us from sin, but then we just continue to participate in the sins of our culture, we are jeopardising God’s mission. We are failing to live out our purpose.

Temptation abounds. A little gossip about the neighbour who’s a bit weird. A ‘harmless’ lie to a client to hide your company’s error. An endorphin hit from a few minutes of pornography on your smartphone – no-one will ever know. Adding things to your Amazon basket you really don’t need, but which may lift your mood for a moment. Stepping across the line with alcohol – you know where it is. It may be fun, for a short while at least, but where does it leave you? 


Engaging in the mission of God involves connecting with the culture around us but without losing our Christian distinctiveness. How are you doing with that right now?

Are there areas of sin you need to stop ‘swimming’ in? Remind yourself of sin’s destructive power: in you, in society, and to God’s mission. Reflect on how good it is to be free.


Thank God that he helps us to see sin for what it is, and that he’s rescued us from its corrosive power. Pray for a renewed mindset and refreshed resolve, that you might live increasingly free from sin and that your life will point others to God’s better way.


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