1 Peter: Confidence in a Complex WorldЗагвар

1 Peter: Confidence in a Complex World

22-с 15 дахь өдөр

15: Signposts

A true story:

Gemma and Kelly spent that sunny breaktime sitting on a grassy bank. Kelly’s inner world was not reflected by the weather that day; her family situation was getting worse. She liked Gemma, a quietly spoken girl, who was funny and consistently kind. Kelly knew Gemma was a Christian, but like most in her year, Kelly was sceptical about Christianity, though she was growing increasingly curious. As Kelly opened up about what was going on at home, Gemma listened attentively and asked how she was feeling about it all. Gemma then shared how she was facing similar struggles too, and that God was really helping her. Gemma’s words were filled with hope. It was time to go to class, but Kelly knew they would speak again.

So far Peter’s shown us the importance of living well in the eyes of an unbelieving world. Even when there is scepticism or hostility, our character can point others to God.

Peter knew that as Christians lived out their God-given identity in the world, people around them would notice. This could (and did) lead to mockery and ostracism. But it also could (and did) lead to curiosity. Fellow slaves, old friends, business associates, spouses, and parents would begin to ask, ‘What’s the reason for the hope you have?’ So, Peter says, ‘Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks’ (3:15). Opportunities would arise, and he wanted them to be ready when they did.

Today, many shy away from evangelism, believing actions alone should do the talking. But words and actions are not rivals, as if we must choose one over the other. They are partners. If people see you forgiving those who let you down and notice your commitment to those around you, and then hear you speak about a God of mercy and faithfulness, it adds up. But if onlookers only see the way you act, but never hear about Jesus, we end up being what Tim Chester calls ‘signposts to nowhere’. Our actions give weight to our words, our words give meaning to our actions.

The manner in which we speak about Jesus matters as much as the actual words we use. We share with ‘gentleness and respect’ (3:15): listening as well as talking, asking as well as explaining. We don’t force the issue, nor are we combative. Secure in the love of Christ, we share with humility.

In all your days, keep living for Jesus – people might ask you questions. May God give you grace when they do.


Can you think of a time you had a good conversation about Christian faith with someone who wasn’t a Christian? What prompted that conversation?

How do you think our words and our actions should work together?


Thank God that he wants to make himself known to others through you. Pray that he will give you courage, wisdom, grace, and opportunities to share your faith.


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