Identity - Obtaining Revelation From TruthЗагвар

Identity - Obtaining Revelation From Truth

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"He predestined and lovingly planned for us to be adopted to Himself as [His own] children through Jesus Christ, in accordance with the kind intention and good pleasure of His will—" Ephesians 1:5 (AMP)


You have been adopted into God’s family. The Bible is your adoption manual. This has everything you need to know to be a child of God. This adoption manual is life to you. You have to open it to know who your father and what your birthright is. When you are born of God, there is a birthright given to you.


The Bible lists some of your birthright. In God, there is no condemnation. You are set free. Christ is in you. You are a son (or daughter) of God. You are an heir (heiress). We are called, justified, glorified, and chosen. God graciously gives us all things. You are loved. No one can ever reject you out of his love. You are rich. You are empowered. Nothing will harm you in any way. 


Now that you know what your birthrights are, it is time to know the responsibilities that come with it. You might need to change a few things in your life that you have been doing in the past that don’t necessarily make God very happy. 


The Father wants you to know Him, rely on Him, and grow up so that He can empower you to bring Him glory on this earth. Don’t waste His grace poured out for you.


It is important is that you draw a line in the sand and say to yourself, “A lukewarm and a non-growing environment is no longer acceptable. I want to mature in Christ, and that begins today!”


What stage are you in your Christian walk? Are you an infant, child, teen, or adult? Are you on solid food yet? Or are you still on milk? How does one grow up? How can you move from milk to solid food? Ephesians shows us how. Chapters 1-3 teach the simple gospel message and who you are in Christ. In chapters 4-6, Paul is showing the believer (you and I) that if our life looks like an unbeliever, then we cannot possibly be on solid food. Change! Get white-hot for God because you go from knowing about Him to knowing Him intimately. 


Are you ready to take your family responsibility seriously? Make a commitment today!

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Identity - Obtaining Revelation From Truth

Obtain is a verb - It implies action. So we are going to put some action into obtaining God’s truth and storing it in our hearts. How? Through reading God’s Word in daily nourishment portions. This study is a perfect way to begin to grow in your understanding of what you now have in Christ Jesus and renew your mind to become more like Him!
