Identity - Obtaining Revelation From TruthЗагвар

Identity - Obtaining Revelation From Truth

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The devil wants you to believe the lie that you are unworthy so he can keep you enslaved to sin and hopelessness. We often beat ourselves up about our behavior and our sins. We feel burdened by the guilt and condemnation that we lay on ourselves! It could be that you are basing your belief about God’s forgiveness on your feelings rather than on God’s word. Our emotions can’t discern the truth from lies. They just respond to what we think. It’s dangerous to base truth on how we “feel.” Feelings come and go, but God’s Word never changes.


God’s mercy and grace will enable you to turn from the sinful lifestyle that once held you captive. As you believe this more deeply and renovate your mind, you will be set free from self-condemnation. Just believe in God.


The only way to truly know you are forgiven is to believe God’s Word. God has forgiven you based on what Christ did, not on what you do. Jesus Christ was the perfect God/Man who died so that we might be fully and completely forgiven of all our sins (past, present and future). Jesus died for the sins of the whole world. Not one sin was left out (except the sin of rejecting Him).


When you trust in who Christ is and what He did, you receive the forgiveness His sacrifice provided. Apart from God’s full forgiveness, we could not have a relationship with Him and He could not live in us. Everyone in Christ lives in a forgiven state with God, 24/7. The Biblical word for this is justified, which means God relates to us “just-if-I’d” never sinned.


One reason we question God’s forgiveness is that we believe God has only forgiven our past sins and not our future sins. We mistakenly think that any new sins that we commit separate us from God once again.


When we receive Christ into our life, our forgiveness is a settled issue once and for all. The issue now is not forgiveness but understanding how Christ’s life within us can set us free from sin’s destructive power.


So, go ahead and receive it! Agree with God and thank Him for His complete forgiveness. This is where freedom begins. You either believe God that you are forgiven or you are saying that Christ’s death on the cross was not sufficient to pay for your sins!

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Identity - Obtaining Revelation From Truth

Obtain is a verb - It implies action. So we are going to put some action into obtaining God’s truth and storing it in our hearts. How? Through reading God’s Word in daily nourishment portions. This study is a perfect way to begin to grow in your understanding of what you now have in Christ Jesus and renew your mind to become more like Him!
