Genesis 18:17-23

Genesis 18:17-23 TPT

As they walked, YAHWEH said, “Should I really hide from Abraham what I intend to do? After all, he will become a great and powerful nation, and every nation on earth will seek bliss like his. It is true; I have singled him out as my own, so that he will lead his family and household to follow my ways and live by what is right and just. I will fulfill all the promises that I have spoken to him.” YAHWEH explained to Abraham, “The outcry for justice against Sodom and Gomorrah is so great and their sin so blatant that I must go down and see if their wicked actions are as great as the outrage that has come to me, and if not, then I will know.” As YAHWEH’s two companions went on toward Sodom, Abraham remained there, as YAHWEH paused before Abraham. So Abraham came forward to present his case before YAHWEH, and said, “Are you really going to sweep away the righteous while you judge the wicked?

Genesis 18 വായിക്കുക