2 Kings 18:3-6

2 Kings 18:3-6 KJV

And he did that which was right in the sight of the LORD, according to all that David his father did. He removed the high places, and brake the images, and cut down the groves, and brake in pieces the brasen serpent that Moses had made: for unto those days the children of Israel did burn incense to it: and he called it Nehushtan. He trusted in the LORD God of Israel; so that after him was none like him among all the kings of Judah, nor any that were before him. For he clave to the LORD, and departed not from following him, but kept his commandments, which the LORD commanded Moses.

2 Kings 18:3-6 യുമായി ബന്ധപ്പെട്ട സ്വതന്ത്ര വായനാ പദ്ധതികളും