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Family Id: 31 Days of Building Your Family's ValuesПримерок

Family Id: 31 Days of Building Your Family's Values

2 ДЕН ОД 31


I’m all for order, schedules and structure in my family to help maintain some level of sanity. However, too much structure and the unwillingness to give a little can result in a lot of unhappiness and resentment. We also need to be flexible to do God’s will when he gives us a new assignment. The more flexibility you have in decision-making, for example, the happier your family will be for it. Imagine one member of the family always thinking they are right and enforcing their way of doing things. This certainly wouldn’t lead to much happiness within the family unit.

“I pray my child may grow in the love and grace toward their family members. I ask you make him/her flexible to your will and when the challenges of life come. In Jesus's name, Amen”

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