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Family Id: 31 Days of Building Your Family's ValuesПримерок

Family Id: 31 Days of Building Your Family's Values

31 ДЕН ОД 31


Do your kids trust you? If you make a promise to a family member, follow through with it. Make a promise that's feasible, and choose your words carefully. If you are put in a position where you have to break the promise, tell the family member as soon as you can. Ask your family members if you have broken trust with them. Ask them if you ever made a promise you did not follow through on. If so, humbly ask them to forgive you. Are you giving your spouse any reason to mistrust you? Immediately address the issue with humility and go overboard to make sure trust is re-established in that area.

“I pray my child will grow up to be a trustworthy adult. Help him/her know the value of trust and how important it is to build and keep trust in relationships. In Jesus's name, Amen.”

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