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Single and Not Sorry: Devotions of Real Encouragement for Right NowПримерок

Single and Not Sorry: Devotions of Real Encouragement for Right Now

21 ДЕН ОД 21

Boasting in the Lord

But the one who boasts is to boast in the Lord. For it is not the one who commends himself that is approved, but the one whom the Lord commends.


There are benefits to singleness that can’t be denied. Most of us have complete control over our daily schedules and can come and go as we please. We certainly get more sleep than those who are married and have kids, and we are able to use our money more freely. On the whole, the independence that singleness brings allows us to live a life based solely on our own desires. And while idolizing a relationship can be a struggle for many, being prideful in your singleness is also common. It’s okay to enjoy and even prefer being single, but pride comes in when we start to believe that we don’t need anyone—including God.

Today’s passage reminds us that pride in ourselves will only leave us wanting. The benefits of singleness are real and important, and recognizing them can be a great source of encouragement to those who are struggling with their status as single women. But if we begin to boast in ourselves, thinking we are superior to others because of our singleness, we may begin to believe that we are better off managing our lives on our own. This leaves no room for the Lord, who knows us better than we know ourselves and has planned a better life for us than we could even imagine. Pride blinds us to the work of God in our lives because it makes us focus on ourselves. If we can shift our focus to praising God for the benefits of singleness and looking to Him to be our rock during this season, we will deepen our relationship with Him and boast in His work instead of our own.

Right Now Reminder:

Recognizing the benefits of singleness is reassuring, but allowing them to be a source of pride will only hurt you. By praising God for the goodness of this season, your relationship with Him will be strengthened and pride will flee.

Ден 20

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Single and Not Sorry: Devotions of Real Encouragement for Right Now

Single and Not Sorry: Devotions of Real Encouragement for Right Now provides you with inspiration from God’s Word about living according to God’s purpose and plan regardless of your relationship status. Our true value is found in Christ alone — and through this plan, you will be able to confidently appreciate and enjoy exactly where you are in life.
