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Single and Not Sorry: Devotions of Real Encouragement for Right NowПримерок

Single and Not Sorry: Devotions of Real Encouragement for Right Now

20 ДЕН ОД 21

An Idol of the Heart

Do not have other gods besides me. Do not make an idol for yourself, whether in the shape of anything in the heavens above or on the earth below or in the waters under the earth. Do not bow in worship to them, and do not serve them; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, bringing the consequences of the fathers’ iniquity on the children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate me, but showing faithful love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commands.


In the Old Testament, we find that people worshipped idols (or false gods), like golden statues of animals or idols of crooked kings. But in our day, idols aren’t quite so obvious. Instead of a sculpture at the center of town or an ornately decorated replica displayed on an altar, idols of the heart are far more common. These idols of the heart look more like financial success, a large social media following, or a comfortable life. And for single people, the dream of a relationship can also become an idol.

It can be tempting to see friends and family in happy romantic relationships and to place the idea of a relationship on a pedestal or throne in your heart. But the thing is, God is the only one who deserves the throne (see Psalm 103:19). It’s okay to desire a relationship and to ask God for that, but it becomes an idol when you treasure, prioritize, or seek fulfillment, comfort, and satisfaction in it over the Lord. Even the idea of a relationship can send the most contented single woman spiraling into idol-centric thinking. Not only does God specifically warn against idols in the Bible, but we know that the idol of relationships will never fulfill you like a relationship with God will. As stated in our passage today, we are called to put Him first. Think about it: are you allowing the idea of a relationship to become an idol? Or are you continuing to make deepening your relationship with God a priority, knowing that it is the most important?

Right Now Reminder:

Ask God to shine His light on anything you are lifting higher than Him, and then ask Him to help you re-prioritize. God is always there for you, ready to calm you with His faithful love.

Ден 19Ден 21

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Single and Not Sorry: Devotions of Real Encouragement for Right Now

Single and Not Sorry: Devotions of Real Encouragement for Right Now provides you with inspiration from God’s Word about living according to God’s purpose and plan regardless of your relationship status. Our true value is found in Christ alone — and through this plan, you will be able to confidently appreciate and enjoy exactly where you are in life.
