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For the BetterПримерок

For the Better

7 ДЕН ОД 8

Better Story

"For since the law was but a shadow of the good things to come instead of the true form of these realities, it can never, by the same sacrifices that are continually offered every year, make perfect those who draw near." – Hebrews 10:1 ESV

Σκιὰν/skian: shade or shadow

Why It Matters
In 2017, the Puppeteers of America (a real organization) held their annual awards ceremony (a real event) in which Katie Campbell won the Jim Henson Award for Innovation (a real award). The unique thing about this accomplishment is that her work was a shadow puppet rendition of The Ugly Duckling. The Puppeteers of America said that Campbell’s performance was “pure delight – [creating] worlds where puppets, shadows, and audience members share a vibrant imaginative life.” To think – all this high praise for shadows!

Most of us understand the science behind skian (shade or shadow). Skian reveals the presence of light and gives form to the object that is casting it. When Hebrews refers to the Law as a skian, it implies that there are good things in the presence of light that we have yet to obtain. But even though we can’t see or touch those good things yet, the shadow can disclose some key truths about them.

Those good things must have something to do with relationship because the Law was a way to connect God with Man. They also must involve Grace, since there is no one who is righteous (Psalm 14, Romans 3) and the Law at least established that a pathway to God was possible.

That’s what is so great about this week’s passage – it doesn’t take long for Hebrews to reveal that the Gospel of Jesus is the reality that the Law was the shadow of! Jesus fulfills the Law by living the Perfect Life we never could, and then Himself becomes the Sacrifice that atones for the guilt of Humanity. Now our waiting for the good things to come is filled with hope, knowing that we can see the skian as a reminder of the vibrant life found in the Truth of the Gospel.

God, I recognize that I am good enough because Jesus is good enough! His Death and Resurrection mean that my sin has been dealt with and my life can be leveraged as worship for Your Glory. Remind me of this Truth today in a unique way in Jesus’ Name.

Who will I share my story with this week?

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For the Better

“It’s better this way”… “You’ll be better off”… We’ve all heard these words of encouragement from people who love us, but we don’t always believe them to be true. As we explore the richness of Scripture, the author of Hebrews will remind us that Jesus not only exercises the Authority over our lives as King, but as our High Priest, He becomes the fulfillment of a better hope for Humanity.
