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For the BetterПримерок

For the Better

5 ДЕН ОД 8

Better Worship

"...but deal only with food and drink and various washings, regulations for the body imposed until the time of reformation." – Hebrews 9:10 ESV

διορθώσεως/diorthōseōs: a new order, reformation; lit. to straighten thoroughly

Why It Matters
January 24th is affectionately known to many as “Macintosh Computer Day.” On this date in 1984 Apple unveiled its revolutionary personal computer. The innovations in that first iteration of the Macintosh changed the computer industry, and you could argue would lead to a change in our culture as a whole.

But as big as that change would be, it doesn’t come close to the cosmic diorthōseōs (reformation, new order) of Jesus’ Once-For-All Sacrifice. The writer of Hebrews shows that the old way of sacrifice with its ceremonial washings and physical regulations did much to cleanse externally, but could never “perfect the conscience of the worshiper.” Jesus’ Sacrificial Death, however, secured an Eternal Redemption (v. 12) and penetrated past our external impurities to the source of what truly needs cleansing – our heart and soul.

This Truth is a game changer for humanity, creating not just a new system of worship but a complete diorthōseōs in which our sin is taken care of by a Sacrifice we didn’t make. Therefore we get to spend our days responding to that Sacrifice with the purity of our redeemed lives. The New Testament calls this response worship (Romans 12:1), and it’s the purpose of our existence in the New Order Jesus has created.

Heavenly Father, I repent of the attitude I have toward my worship preferences. When I start with Your Perspective, I begin to see that worship is all about You and not about me. Remind me of this truth daily, in Jesus’ Name!

How will I worship God this week?

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For the Better

“It’s better this way”… “You’ll be better off”… We’ve all heard these words of encouragement from people who love us, but we don’t always believe them to be true. As we explore the richness of Scripture, the author of Hebrews will remind us that Jesus not only exercises the Authority over our lives as King, but as our High Priest, He becomes the fulfillment of a better hope for Humanity.
