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Testify With Kelontae GavinПримерок

Testify With Kelontae Gavin

2 ДЕН ОД 7

"Dirt Anthem" - Rise from the Ground

"He raises the poor from the dust and lifts the needy from the trash heap. He seats them with noble men and gives them a throne of honor. For the foundations of the earth are the Lord’s; he has set the world on them." - 1 Samuel 2:8

The hosts of a Radiolab podcast show called “Worst. Year. Ever.,” made a case for the year 536 AD. It was a terrible time for everyone who was alive. The Roman Empire fractured, and the same kind of thing happened in China. On top of that, there were all these horrible meteorological things going on—an enormous volcanic eruption and the tail of Haley’s Comet whipped the earth. The resulting debris in the atmosphere caused yellow dust to fall like snow. There was so much of it that you could scoop it up. The dust triggered a year and a half of solid winter, which triggered crop failures and mass famine. *1

It gives perspective, doesn’t it? The truth is every culture and generation have a worst year ever. Every person has a worst year ever. And in chapter one of 1 Samuel, a God-fearing woman named Hannah had hers. In a time when having children gave women value like nothing else could, Hannah was barren—and she took a lot of heat for it (1 Samuel 1:6).

So, when we read her words in 1 Samuel 2:8, we should understand that they come from the depth of her personal experience. Between the start of chapter one and the start of chapter two, God chose to answer her prayers. Hannah’s worst year ever became the best year of her life when God gave her a son. His name was Samuel, and he would eventually become the last judge and first prophet in Israel. Samuel bore the responsibility of anointing David as king, and he is listed among the greats of the faith in Hebrews 11:32.

Hannah didn’t sing this song simply because God fixed her problem. It was deeper than that. God doesn’t automatically grant us whatever we desire. But in those needs, He reveals Himself to us. God is greater than the greatest difficulty you will ever face. He is not surprised or incapacitated in any way by your difficulties. Instead, He is sovereign and will show Himself faithful in every situation, even your worst year ever.

1) Listen to Kelontae Gavin’s “Dirt Anthem.” What lyrics stand out to you as particularly encouraging? Which stand out to you as most challenging?

2) How do you personally relate to the truths Hannah sang about in 1 Samuel 2:8?

3) Thank God that He is willing and able to make you rise from the ground. Thank Him that He has already done that by salvation in Jesus. Commit to be thankful and worship Him always, no matter what circumstances life brings.


*1 Lulu Miller and Latif Nasser, “Worst. Year. Ever.,” January 7, 2022, in Radiolab, produced by Simon Adler, podcast, MP3 Audio, 26:21, https://radiolab.org/podcast/worst-year-ever.

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