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Healthy Self: Heart, Soul, Mind & StrengthПримерок

Healthy Self: Heart, Soul, Mind & Strength

2 ДЕН ОД 6

Physical Health

Today we’re talking about why physical health matters. So let’s define what we mean here. We are NOT talking about being a certain size or shape, sticking to a certain food plan or doing any certain amount of exercise, rather about doing what is within your power to be healthy and whole. This includes steps like physical activity, eating to nourish and energize your body, stopping anything that harms your health, and cultivating healthy sleep habits.

We must not look to earthly or cultural sources to define what is healthy; but to God’s word. As Jesus expressed in Mark 12, our “heart, soul, mind and strength,” are all to be actively involved in loving God. Our ability to love others then flows from this foundation. This means you have to know how to care for yourself, doing what is best for your health as much as it depends on you, to be able to care well for others.

Paul is speaking in 1 Corinthians 9 about self-discipline and single-minded focus of advancing the Gospel. But we can also apply that to physical health, since our physical body is the means by which we are able to live, move, love and serve. Stewarding our physical capacity well will help us serve the purposes God calls us to. When I am physically well, as much as it depends on me, I have more energy to serve well in my marriage, my friendships, and my church.

We need to consider whether we’re making the most of what God’s entrusted us with physically. For years I had a habit of staying up late to watch funny videos or scroll aimlessly on screens. As a result I woke up exhausted every morning. Dong that left me distracted and diminished, rather than energized around my purpose for the day. There are lots of ways I can squelch my vitality each day: If I eat gluttonously and greedily, my energy lags. If I neglect to do any physical activity, I get stiff and sore from sitting at my desk for hours. I’m distracted by my tiredness, aches and pains. On the other hand, if I overexert myself in exercise or let a physical goal become an idol, I am exhausted, worn out, and focused on myself rather than what God has for me.

Consider, as Paul encourages, what it looks like to “So run that you may obtain” the prize – to strive toward doing the best you can with what you have. What habits lead to more energy, more vitality, more joy? What physical changes might help you serve your purpose more fully, freely, and joyfully?

Action Steps:

  • Are any of your habits / patterns detrimental to your physical health?
  • What can you do today to change that?
  • What changes can help you serve your purpose more fully, freely, and joyfully?
  • What is one activity that brings you energy and joy?
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Healthy Self: Heart, Soul, Mind & Strength

The healthiest marriages take place between two healthy spouses. Your spouse cannot complete you or heal you; only God can. When you take faithful steps of obedience toward the full and thriving life that God has for you, your marriage will be on the path to growth as well. This 6-day plan by Lindsay Few gives you biblical ways to assess and grow your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health.
