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Healthy Self: Heart, Soul, Mind & StrengthПримерок

Healthy Self: Heart, Soul, Mind & Strength

1 ДЕН ОД 6

Our Health is A Matter of Stewardship

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength. And love your neighbor as yourself.” These verses give us active instructions to love God with each facet of our being, and to then demonstrate His love toward others. If we love God with all of these facets we will best be equipped to love others well. Our marriages, friendships, and communities will be better.

We are integrated beings by design. We’re not merely souls, but embodied beings. As such, our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health all affect one another - no one aspect can be separated from the others.

I’ve often thought it would be so easy to follow Jesus if it weren't for the temptations and physical limitations I’m bound by. Think about it: If I never needed sleep, how much more could I get done? If I were never tempted to eat way too much ice cream or scroll mindlessly on my phone for way too long, how much more purpose would I live out?

But Christ left heaven to live a life on earth, and in doing so fulfilled God’s purpose for Him. We - each placed here according to God’s plan - are called to the same. We are called to steward our earthly resources well. Part of that stewardship includes each facet of the physical bodies that God created and has entrusted to each of us. You were created by God, on purpose and for purpose, as Ephesians 2 tells us.

Stewarding our health is not about toned muscles, starting a health kick, wearing a certain size or achieving “perfection.” Perfection isn’t attainable to us in this life; only Jesus lived a perfect life. Rather, we must consider that caring well for our own health enables us to care well for others and live out the love of God in our lives. He has planned good things for you to do, and by stewarding your time, energy and resources well, you will be more ready and able to answer when He calls.

When someday we see the fullness of God’s glory and His kingdom fulfilled, we will see all things in perspective. For today, faith keeps us pursuing a thriving life. Making choices that will give us the most energy and vigor to pursue all that God has laid before us each day. As in the parable of the talents (Matthew 25), we are each given the physical circumstances that God saw fit to give us, and given the chance to be “a good and faithful servant” of God within those circumstances.

Action Steps:

  • Are you intentional as a steward of your mental, physical, emotional and spiritual health?
  • Which aspect of health do you think needs attention currently?
  • What step is God calling you to take toward this?
Ден 2

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Healthy Self: Heart, Soul, Mind & Strength

The healthiest marriages take place between two healthy spouses. Your spouse cannot complete you or heal you; only God can. When you take faithful steps of obedience toward the full and thriving life that God has for you, your marriage will be on the path to growth as well. This 6-day plan by Lindsay Few gives you biblical ways to assess and grow your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health.
