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Dash: Seeing Life Through the Lens of EternityПримерок

Dash: Seeing Life Through the Lens of Eternity

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Living in Zimbabwe has the benefit of Victoria Falls, a natural wonder of the world. People travel from all over to experience its beauty and tick off this bucket list trip! Now, whilst this is incredible to see, in life, we can often try to find contentment and significance by pursuing the next emotional high that turns out to be the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow that we never reach.

It’s important we realize that almost all advertising drives us to focus on earthly things. Success, comfort, possessions, safety, our children’s future (if we have them!), and more. These are not necessarily bad things, but if they take priority over Christ and His Kingdom, we will not experience the purpose, joy, and impact God created us for. We need to be on our guard because the enemy will use anything he can to distract us from what is most important.

In Matthew 13, we find the parable of the sower. Jesus explained that thorns prevent spiritual growth and impact in our lives (Matthew13:22). They invade our lives as ‘cares of this world’ and ‘deceitfulness of riches.’ A care of the world is anything that we care about when we see life on Earth as all there is. The deceitfulness of riches explains the belief that our resources can provide us with what only God can.

Even Solomon, a man of great wisdom, struggled with these distractions. We don’t know all the details of his palace, but interestingly, it took him almost twice as long to build his house compared to God’s house. (1 Kings 6 - 1 Kings 7:1) This can happen in our own lives. We do care about Jesus and want Him involved, but He does not take ultimate priority. Sadly, this is a loss of the abundant life Jesus promised. (John10:10)

Point to Ponder: Where are you being distracted right now?

Dear Lord. Thank you that nothing is more important than living for you and your Kingdom. Please show me any distractions affecting me right now and help me keep you as my priority. In your powerful name, I pray, Amen.

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Dash: Seeing Life Through the Lens of Eternity

One day, all that may remain of our life is a DASH between our birth and death. How can we make the most significant impact for Christ during our short time on Earth? This plan will help you to look at life through the lens of eternity, recognize distractions, and learn how to practically restructure each area of life to experience purpose, hope, and joy every day! Perspective Changes Everything.
