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Leadership: God’s Plan of Success for Managers Примерок

Leadership: God’s Plan of Success for Managers

4 ДЕН ОД 4

So What’s the Secret to Success?

In the last readings, we saw that both Joseph and Daniel started their “careers” as captives, but then – by the grace of God – they both ended up as second-in-command of mighty organizations. But why these two men, and not their brothers or friends?

Even though they served with integrity and remained true to their beliefs throughout their careers, the Bible does not tell us that their management success was a result of their behaviors. 

Although the Bible never says that Joseph and Daniel were blessed because of the way they fulfilled their management responsibilities, it does imply that their behaviors were pleasing to God. In New Testament terms, we might say that these two men exhibited the fruits of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23a), and more by:  

  • Always doing their best, never complaining  
  • Maintaining integrity in all circumstances  
  • Glorifying God in their work, not themselves

So what does this mean for you? Do the stories of Joseph and Daniel have anything to say about that?

Apparently not.

The scriptures presenting the story of Joseph and Daniel to us today give great insight into how these two men remained in God’s favor, but it gives no promise or formula of gaining God-given success to you today. 

In fact, compare their career path to yours and you’ll likely see that God orchestrated a much wider variety of events in their lives than yours. You most likely didn’t start as a slave, didn’t do jail time or even a night with the lions. 

So how did you come into the management or supervisory position that you hold now? Was it God’s blessing your path as He did for Joseph and Daniel, or was it more of you working hard on opportunities presented?

Past promotions aside, what’s the plan now? How can your receive God’s blessing of success going forward?

The answer is in the Bible. 

But it lies beyond the stories of Joseph and Daniel. 

Find out who God chooses to bless and how that all works in this next set of readings: "Leadership: God’s Promises for Your Success

Reflection / Application  

  1. Did God really bring you to your current position, or did you push for it and He allowed it? Does it matter?  
  2. How does your execution of your work compare to the working style of Joseph and Daniel? Are there any areas that you need to follow their example more closely?  
  3. Can you see God’s plan for you in your current position? What is it and how well are you fulfilling it?
Ден 3

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