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Fasting: Unlocking Your Supernatural PotentialПримерок

Fasting: Unlocking Your Supernatural Potential

5 ДЕН ОД 5


Sweet Freedom!

In everything we do, there is God’s part and our part. There is the human effort we give…and sometimes it’s a tremendous effort, but it’s simply not enough. We need the supernatural power that only heaven can bring to any situation.

God wants to do three things for us. He wants to loose the bonds of wickedness, undo your heavy burdens, and set the captive free!

What does it mean when the Bible talks about “loosing the bonds?” It’s asking… What is hindering you from making progress in your life? Is there a way of thinking you’ve adapted that is self-defeating? Do you have a bad temper or an addiction that is limiting the quality of your life? Whatever is keeping you physically, mentally, emotionally, or spiritually tied to something that negatively impacts the quality of your life…God wants to “loose the ties” that are keeping you there.

He wants you to enjoy a healthy lifestyle that focuses on Him, to prosper in all things, even as your soul prospers. You were created to feel His peace surrounding you, to live a life of freedom from anything that might keep you from living your best life. 

He wants to lift your burdens. Let Him know what concerns you most, then lay your burdens at His feet. In a season of fasting, God can give you the best of things in the worst of times.

He wants to set you free! God created you in His image. He wants you to live a life that honors Him, that leads others to Him. But first, you must spend time in His presence getting to know Him. Nobody will want what you have if they see it as a life of chaos and misery. True freedom is only found in Christ, and it’s free to whosoever will.

Whom the Son sets free, is free indeed. He breaks every yoke. It’s time to invest in a relationship with Him through fasting. It’s time to engage in activities that honor God, inviting Him into our situation…watching as every yoke is broken. 

Are you ready for that kind of supernatural engagement? Are you ready to be set free from the thing that has been holding you back? From the guilt and shame of your past? It’s time to let fasting show you what a mighty God we serve


Want to more about fasting, visit our website for more resources.


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Fasting: Unlocking Your Supernatural Potential

The power of prayer and fasting cannot be underestimated in the life of a Believer. This powerful combination can move mountains of impossibility, heal your body, your relationships, your finances, and can rectify what seems hopeless. When we fast and pray, God moves heaven and earth on our behalf. The thing that concerns us becomes our testimony and wins others to Christ. It becomes a thing of great beauty.
