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Fasting: Unlocking Your Supernatural PotentialПримерок

Fasting: Unlocking Your Supernatural Potential

1 ДЕН ОД 5


Why Fast?

Fasting allows heaven to move on your behalf. It sharpens you spiritually, giving you the opportunity to be more effective in every aspect of your life. The tragedy of our day is not unanswered prayer, but unoffered prayer. God is waiting on you to tell Him what you need in your life. YES, He sees your need. But He is waiting for you to invite Him into your situation so that HE receives the glory…because His glory He shares with no one. Are you looking to move mountains of impossibility? It’s time to sharpen your axe, to start fasting and praying to Almighty God. He is the Master of the impossible!

Matthew tells us that God sees what we do in secret, He hears us, and He will reward us openly. Why? Because when He rewards us openly, others see the miracles happening in our lives and want to know how they can have the same. Your miracle can easily be someone else’s salvation. People turn to Him when we share our testimony. What He has done in the past, He can and will do again. Are you ready for a miracle to take place in your life? Stop limiting God! Allow Him to drench your life in blessings as you fast your way through the valley to a place of complete and total victory!

Consider the New Testament Church for a moment. They were fed to lions in the coliseum. They were burned alive at the stake. They were stoned to death. Nero soaked Christians in oily rags to light his rose garden. And still, the New Testament Christians were fearless. How was this possible, living under such grave circumstances? The power of prayer! Prayer and fasting make the impossible possible. That same power is available to all of us today. We serve the same God. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. All we have to do is ask in faith believing.

Did you recently receive a diagnosis for which the doctors have no cure? Does your financial situation look grim? God sees. And He is ready to move on your behalf if you are willing to trust Him. Seek His direction through fasting and prayer, knowing that He rewards those who diligently seek Him. Step back from the busyness of your day to seek His face and know that your answer is on the way.

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Fasting: Unlocking Your Supernatural Potential

The power of prayer and fasting cannot be underestimated in the life of a Believer. This powerful combination can move mountains of impossibility, heal your body, your relationships, your finances, and can rectify what seems hopeless. When we fast and pray, God moves heaven and earth on our behalf. The thing that concerns us becomes our testimony and wins others to Christ. It becomes a thing of great beauty.
