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What Is God Like? A 21-Day Reading PlanПримерок

What Is God Like? A 21-Day Reading Plan

14 ДЕН ОД 21

God Is Wrathful (And That’s A Good Thing)

We don’t like to think about God’s wrath. “Wrath” makes us think of uncontrolled tempers and impending punishments. It’s difficult to associate that word with the heavenly Father who loves us completely.

But it’s precisely because God loves us that He feels wrath. Unlike human wrath, God’s punishment is holy because it is never the result of a bad temper. He is never out of control. God’s anger is against sin and evil because sin destroys us and keeps us separated from Him. We don’t want a god who isn’t against sin and evil. Only a God who loves us could hate sin so much He would do whatever it took to rescue us from it (Ephesians 2:1-4).

Every human being, until the Holy Spirit changes them, is an enemy of God.

The Bible says God is patient with us, even when we resist Him, because He wants everyone to be saved (Romans 9:22-23). Every human being, until the Holy Spirit changes them, is an enemy of God (Romans 8:7-8). We hate Him because we want to be our own boss, but God tells us that “If you love Me, you will keep my commandments” (John 14:15).

God has given us everything. All He asks is that we serve and love Him. God hates sin and evil, and we should, too. But we don’t. So we deserve His wrath. Yet God loves us so much that He sent Jesus to receive His wrath in our place (John 3:16). 

If we don’t deserve God’s wrath, then Jesus died for nothing. But if we accept Jesus’ death as the punishment we deserve, we can be sure that God’s wrath will never fall on us.


  • Have you ever thought of yourself as deserving God’s wrath? Why or why not?
  • What’s one thing you learned about God’s wrath leaves you more in awe of Him?
  • Can you remember a time when you asked Jesus to absorb God’s wrath on your behalf and be your savior? If so, take a few minutes right now to thank Jesus for saving you. If not, you can make that decision today. 

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