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God’s Advice For Wives Примерок

God’s Advice For Wives

5 ДЕН ОД 8

Guard Your Home 

One of the most practical ways I’ve learned to support David is simply through the environment I create in our home. Our surroundings, daily routine, and even our health habits will either build him up or weigh him down. 

Even more than the physical surroundings of our home, I’m mindful of what happens here. How do we treat each other? What are our conversations about? How hectic is our schedule? What kinds of movies do we watch? When do we find time to connect? You get the point.

So what does it mean to guard your home? What exactly do we guard against? Enemies from within and without attack our families. And since these enemies often fly under the radar, we need to be more discerning, more watchful, and wiser than ever. Peaceful homes nourish your soul and renew your energy. But if I want a peaceful home, I have to guard against those enemies. 

Peace is not passive. To have peace in our home, I have to work for it and make it a priority. I’ve noticed that the quickest way to rob the peace in our home is through worry. Anxiety can drain our family’s energy and quench its calm faster than just about anything. On the other hand, when I refuse to be anxious, when I trust God and remain peaceful, I help create a climate of peace.

I’ve learned to be ruthless with worry because it’s the enemy of peace. And through God’s grace, lots of prayer, and David’s encouragement, I have wrestled most of my fears to the ground. I’m not completely worry-free, but I can tell you that I no longer feel imprisoned by fear.

There are some who suffer a more extreme version of anxiety—perhaps even full-fledged panic attacks. I’ve seen friends and extended family members caught in its grip. Sometimes the battle is too fierce to wage alone, and a good Christian counselor can help you take steps to get at the root of the anxiety.

The twin invaders, fear and anxiety, can wreak havoc on a home and a marriage. God doesn’t treat fear and worry as small things. He tells you to “cast all your anxiety on him” because he cares for you (1 Peter 5:7 NIV). As with any stubborn problem, the first step is to confront anxiety head-on and call it out for the enemy that it is.


  • What kind of environment do you want to create in your home? What types of things can you do in your home to show support for your husband?
  • What kinds of “intruders” can threaten the peace in your home? How can you apply the wisdom of Philippians 4:6-7 to bring peace to your heart and your home life?
  • Would your husband say you worry too much? In what ways could you communicate your trust in him? 
  • What fears or anxieties are you battling right now? How does 1 Peter 5:7 encourage you today?
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