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God’s Advice For Wives Примерок

God’s Advice For Wives

2 ДЕН ОД 8

Think the Best   

I believe most women truly desire to respect their husbands. And most men want to be honored and respected by their wives. So why do we as women sometimes become controlling, or worse yet, critical of our husbands? 

Perhaps you’ve struggled with this tension in your marriage. I think we’d agree that honor in the marriage relationship is a good thing. And deep down inside, we instinctively know that it just feels right to respect our husbands—to believe the best about them. 

The Bible speaks plainly about God’s design for the husband to be the spiritual leader in the home, and also that men and women are called to honor each other. 

Dare to take the first step by honoring your husband even before he honors you. I keep learning the same biblical principle over and over: God blesses us when we give away the very thing we desire. I believe you’ll discover that when you give honor to your husband, you’ll get it back abundantly in ways that may surprise you.

Honor begins in the mind. It greatly matters what we think about our husbands. What I think about David determines whether my words and actions will honor him. What we believe about our husbands can make or break our marriages.

Over the years, I’ve noticed a common theme in the marriages I’ve grown to admire. Both spouses seem to be intentional about interpreting each other in a positive light. The wives speak about their husbands with respect. The husbands find ways to honor their wives. It’s clear they treasure their partner. In short, they believe the best about each other and it shows.

I can choose how and what I think about my husband. Do I respect him? Appreciate him? Do I focus on his strengths and downplay his weaknesses? Do I take time to reflect on the many ways he sacrifices for our family? Am I there for him to support and strengthen him, especially when he feels weak? In short, do I believe the best about him?

Many people believe they have no responsibility for their thought life, but the Bible is clear: “As [a man] thinks in his heart, so is he” (Proverbs 23:7 AMP). What do you choose to think about your husband?


  • “Honor may be best expressed through words and deeds, but it begins in the mind.” Do you agree with that statement? Why or why not?
  • Read Philippians 4:8. In relation to honoring your husband, what are some ways you can put Philippians 4:8 to work in your life?
  • A key aspect of honoring your husband is to guard your mind. What kinds of influences do you think you should guard against? What kinds of influences can you welcome?
  • Martin Luther said You can’t stop birds flying over your head, but you can stop them from building a nest. When a critical thought about your husband flies into your head, what positive thought can you replace it with? 
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