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Jesus' Letter To You - Prophetic Gallery SeriesПримерок

Jesus' Letter To You - Prophetic Gallery Series

4 ДЕН ОД 7

Letter to the Church of Thyatira  

Thoughts on the Passage

Alexander the Great first established Thyatira as a military outpost. The god Apollo was the patron god of these soldiers so this city had a strong connection to worship of this god. Later, when Rome took over, Thyatira became known for its textile and craftsmen guilds – but they still worshipped Apollo and he became the patron god of the guilds. To be part of the guilds required that one worshipped these gods – and participate in the activities at the temple (often many evil things happened there). It became very difficult for Christians in this city because they would be excluded from the guilds, and thus the economic life of the city because they refused to worship other gods.

Thyatira gets the longest letter of Jesus to the churches. Jesus has much to say to this church. First, Jesus, recognizes that this church is growing and improving – they are doing things better than they did in the past. For many churches, we would stop there. The church is doing a good job – just keep at it and keep improving. Jesus has much more to say though.

Second, they are a church with some life-threatening problems. They are listening to a woman who is drawing God’s people into idolatry – and sexual sin. This is exactly what Jezebel did to the children of Israel. Obviously, some leaders are compromising and allowing people to be part of the guilds – and participate in the worship there to their patron gods. God has severe judgment in store for these people. 

Third, Jesus reveals Himself as the One with eyes of fire and feet of bronze. These reveal His willingness to expose sin, judge sin and purify His people. Just as God cleansed Israel from the Baal worship that Jezebel brought into God’s people, Jesus will cleanse this from His church. 

Fourth, Jesus gives authority to His faithful church as well. His people suffer economic hardship because they refuse to worship the patron gods, but God will put them in charge. God’s people will rule like the old military rulers that first started this city – with a rod of iron.

Finally, God will give them the morning star. The god Apollo was known as the god of light. The church is given a special blessing – one of the names of Jesus – the Morning star, the first light of the dawn. They share the name of Jesus and the light that He gives to mankind. The city honored Apollo, God will release this honor upon His church!

The video link gives a great history of Thyatira. It also describes some of the challenges the church faced in this town.


Father, many of Your children today suffer because we will not do the sinful practices that some companies want us to do. It can result in economic hardship that makes life so difficult for your children. When we, Your children willingly stand against this pressure, You promise so much to us. Father, this cost can easily make us compromise our walk and our witness in our world. Protect our hearts and strengthen our wills to not listen to any voice that would draw us in this kind of sin. Help us remember the great promises You have for Your children if we stay true to You. I pray in Jesus' Name, Amen. 

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