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Psalms 65

psalm LXV (1–4).
Tuin: St Stephen
1Whush’d a’ the sangs in Zion sung
Till Thou, O Lord, be there;
Wi’ Thee’s oor tryst; a’ flesh sal airt
To Thee, that hearkens prayer.
2The sinfu’ langin’s o’ my hert
Are mair than I can thole;
But, as for a’ oor wrangfu’ deeds,
Thou’ll purge them frae the soul.
3Blythe be the man that’s waled by Thee
To airt him to Thy side,
That he athin Thy faulds sae fine
For evermair may bide.
4But we sal a’ be weel content,
Gin we but win to see
The gudely graith and gear, that in
Thy holie biggin’ be.

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