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Women of the BibleParaugs

Women of the Bible

16 DIENA NO 30


The power of prayer was taught to me by a friend who says, "Let's pray about this together." Now, when I face uncertain or challenging situations, time spent in prayer is my source of comfort and strength. When Esther faced uncertainty, she turned to a time of fasting.

Mordecai commanded Esther to go before the King and plead for their people's lives. Esther knew appearing before the King uninvited meant putting her life in jeopardy. Even so, she told Mordecai she would go. Esther requested one thing: for Mordecai and others to fast for three days. After that, she and her servants would do the same.

Fasting was a time in which one abstained from food. It was often a sign of mourning or an intentional time to pray and seek God. Fasting was a physical way of lowering oneself before God.

Esther went to see the King, but only after a time of fasting. From there, she arose with the courage to plead for her people.

1. Do I seek the Lord when I face uncertain or challenging situations?

2. Who can I ask to join me in seeking God and praying for me?

Prayer: Father, thank you that I can come to you in prayer when I face the uncertainties of this life. Teach me to seek You in all things. Help me learn when and how to serve you through fasting.

Diena 15Diena 17

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