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Women of the BibleParaugs

Women of the Bible

21 DIENA NO 30


Life can be complicated, yet beautiful. Just ask Elizabeth and her husband Zechariah. They were a righteous, blameless, elderly, and barren couple who trusted and obeyed God throughout their life. We see the word "time" used in various ways to describe God's plan and purposes: how it's preset, sequential, perfect, and fulfilled.

First, the Lord sent Gabriel to give Zechariah a vision of their forerunner son, John, on the day Zechariah was scheduled to burn the temple incense; a once-in-a-lifetime moment. Next, we learn how this vision was manifested through a sequence of holy moments, culminating in the perfect moment of fulfilled prophecy.

Not only did Elizabeth's prophesied pregnancy empty her of shame, but the Holy Spirit also filled her and empowered her to experience God's fullness. As we see from the "Beautiful Gate" in Acts 3, complicated situations can be changed at one opportune moment. Yet, Galatians 6 and Ephesians 5 teach us the importance of always being faithful and available. Elizabeth was a faithful woman because she believed, became, and birthed generational blessings that withstood the test of time.

1. Are you surrendered to God's holy moments so you may receive His fullness in your life?

Prayer: Lord, I pray that I will redeem my time and be a vessel you can fill and use to fulfill your will in this world daily.

Diena 20Diena 22

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