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The Surrender - 5 Day Devotional with Shauna D. HarrisonParaugs

The Surrender - 5 Day Devotional with Shauna D. Harrison



DAY 4--Misfits

I want to encourage those of you that WERE & perhaps STILL ARE like me......what the enemy wanted to deem as a ”#MISFIT“. 

I encourage you to embrace the term if you haven’t quite accepted it yet.

You're different. 

You've observed people over the years, and you know that you're different from many others. You've called yourself a "misfit." You've labeled yourself a "misfit" based on the idea that you don't really fit in anywhere.

You've tried this group and that group. 

You've joined this club and that club. 

You've jumped from church to church. 

You've jumped from man to man.

You've jumped from woman to woman.

Why did God create you the way that He did?

Why don't you really fit in anywhere?

I was NEVER a part of ANYBODY'S IN CROWD. I'm sure there were some who looked from across the room and thought differently at some point in my life, but I was ALWAYS THE ODD GIRL OUT. Maybe you can relate:

• Too smart for the cool girls

• Too far on the other side of town for the smart, privileged Jewish kids I went to school with

• Too proper for some

• Too much of an athlete for others

• Too dark for the light-skinned group

• Too light for the dark-skinned group

• Too quiet for others. 

• Too aloof for the down to earth

• Too down to earth for the aloof 

• Too much of a "church girl" to most (while others didn't know what to think of my plaid kilts, tights, penny loafers, and cashmere/wool argyle sweaters)

• Too sheltered for the kids in the neighborhood where I grew up

• Too weird for my blood brothers and sisters

What happened to the little sister we bossed around? Why is she on her knees again by her bedside praying in a strange language, sobbing and crying out to God?

I'm still a misfit. It's caused me to spend countless hours IN HIS FACE, crying out. Learning about who He is. Getting to know Him for myself, learning how to pour out my soul to the LOVER OF MY SOUL, learning how to trust Him and love Him and be at peace in His presence when peace can be found in no one else or anyplace else on the planet.

EMBRACE YOUR UNIQUENESS. WATCH HOW YOU BEGIN TO SHINE as you keep your eyes on Father God, just as a small child keeps their eyes on their mother and their father for their next cues. 


Where DO YOU belong? 

These questions are not new. Psychiatrists, preachers, friends, family, and even teachers have suggested that you look for your place on the inside of yourself. They are all wrong. You will find out who you are only in the face of your Father God. You will find yourself only in Him.

There is a place that you fit in, and God is going to begin to reveal to you just who you are because you've been asking and because He has some plans for your life that only you can fulfill.

Your identity. Your Belonging. Your purpose. Your calling. 

They are all found in the place called "SURRENDERED"! 

Seek Him today like never before. Surrender your will and take on His will for your life. In His will you will find the perfect plan for your life and the reason why you were born. You are needed. You are wanted. There is a group of people that need you.

Let's Go.

What's Next: EMBRACE YOUR UNIQUENESS. WATCH HOW YOU BEGIN TO SHINE as you keep your eyes on Father God, just as a small child keeps their eyes on their mother and their father for their next cues. 

Prophesy: I decree and declare today that I am not conformed to this world, but I am transformed by the renewing of my mind according to Romans 12:2, In the mighty name of Jesus Christ! Amen.

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Par šo plānu

The Surrender - 5 Day Devotional with Shauna D. Harrison

We've each been there. For some, it's a daily destination, while for others it is a faraway land that seems completely out of reach in this season. No matter who you are, the place of "Surrender" is within reach. It's where you will find your victory, your purpose, and yourself. Journey with Pastor Shauna D. Harrison on a 5-day journey deeper into the heart of the Father.
