The Most Important JourneyPavyzdys

The Most Important Journey

19 diena iš 22

Day 19

by Sara Hendry

Lower Elementary Leader, Seacoast Mount Pleasant Campus

God’s Fulfilled Promise

For my eyes have seen your salvation, which you have prepared in the sight of all nations: a light for revelation to the Gentiles, and the glory of your people Israel. ~ Luke 2:30-32 (NIV)

Have you ever had to wait for something? I mean, really, really wait? I think all of us have longed for something that hasn’t arrived or found the distance from point A to point B longer than we would have chosen. If God had just asked for our input!

In today’s passage, we meet a man named Simeon, who was all too familiar with waiting. We don’t know much about him, but the Bible describes him as “righteous and devout,” a man who was “waiting for the consolation of Israel.” He had been told by God that he would not see death before he had seen the Lord’s Messiah.

Eight days after Jesus was born, Mary and Joseph took baby Jesus to Jerusalem to present him to the Lord, as was the custom for Jewish families. This very same day, the Lord prompted Simeon to visit the temple. There, he saw Mary and Joseph with baby Jesus. His wait was over! Simeon took baby Jesus in his arms and spoke today’s passage: “For my eyes have seen your salvation which you have prepared in the sight of all nations: a light for revelation to the Gentiles, and the glory of your people Israel.” He was holding God’s fulfilled promise. I imagine the joy of this moment outweighed the years of waiting he endured.

Luke also mentions Anna, a prophet who had been waiting decades for Christ’s coming. She, too, was at the temple that day, praying and fasting as was her usual. Blessed to see her Savior, in person, she immediately praised God and told all who were looking for the redemption of Jerusalem, about the child. For both Simeon and Anna, the culmination of their faith happened on the same day.

Jesus’ arrival was the longest wait God’s people had ever known. The promised Lamb of God had been born: the Hope of the world. You might be waiting for something specific: a house, a best friend, a child, a different medical diagnosis, but let’s remember that every longing we have is just a reflection of a bigger desire for him, whether we recognize it or not. Whatever we find ourselves waiting for in this life is the same thing Simeon was waiting for: Jesus.

Take time to celebrate the arrival of the One who would save all nations from their sins. This baby is extraordinary. No matter what you may be waiting for, spend this Advent season reflecting on and sharing the amazing news of the Promise that Simeon and Anna waited to hold: our long-expected Jesus, our hope of salvation, and the joy of every longing heart.

Reflect: How has having to wait for something shown you its true value?

Šventasis Raštas

Diena 18Diena 20

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The Most Important Journey

Christmas is a story of coming and going. Everyone is heading somewhere. We are drawn to Bethlehem, to see a baby who came to save the world. But, as we rejoice at our Savior’s birth, we can’t help but go out into the world, changed, telling others of the good news. This Advent study was crafted to remind us of God’s most precious gift: Jesus
