The Most Important JourneyPavyzdys

The Most Important Journey

17 diena iš 22

Day 17

By Ashley Smith

Sisterhood Coordinator, Summerville Campus

Don’t Wait

“My lips will shout for joy when I sing praises to you; my soul also, which you have redeemed.” ~ Psalm 71:23 (ESV)

A few months ago, I finally decided to go to the doctor for something that had been bothering me for over 18 months. You see, whenever I ate certain food, I would have problems with it going down once it reached my esophagus. Whenever this happened, I knew it needed to be checked out, but I kept pushing it off—until I came to a place where the people around me would not allow me to continue to live in pain.

When I saw the doctor, he asked some questions and evaluated my symptoms. He concluded that my first action step was to take a medication he prescribed to see if it would help. The next day, I took the prescription and went about my day. By mid-morning, I was so surprised at how good I felt. I didn’t realize how much pain and discomfort I had been living in—until I wasn’t. I was so excited that I told everyone about how good I was feeling.

Stay with me as I share another story. During the Chosen Women’s Conference 2023, I had an encounter with repentance and forgiveness that left me changed. I cannot explain exactly what happened, but what I do know is healing in my soul took place, and I was different after that. Again, I had no idea how much pain and uncertainty I was living in until I was healed that day. There was a clarity and a confidence that was not there before. I felt free, and I wanted to tell everyone about what God had done for me.

“My lips will shout for joy when I sing praises to you; my soul also, which you have redeemed” Psalm 71:23 (ESV).

What these experiences have taught me: Don’t wait! Don’t wait to seek healing. Don’t wait to repent and forgive. Like the shepherds and the wise men, don’t wait to find Jesus. He redeemed what was broken in me. The insecurity, doubt, lack of confidence, and uncertainty in who I was; I was set free from it all. I was filled with so much joy that I couldn’t help but share this good news. My worship was my testimony.

John 10:10 states that Jesus came so that we may have life to the full! TO THE FULL. This is worth shouting our joy and praises! During this Advent season, take time to remember that Jesus came into this world so we could be redeemed and live an abundant life through him. What could deserve praise more than that?

Reflect: What unnecessary pain and unforgiveness are you accepting as part of your life that might be preventing you from fully experiencing what Jesus has for you?

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The Most Important Journey

Christmas is a story of coming and going. Everyone is heading somewhere. We are drawn to Bethlehem, to see a baby who came to save the world. But, as we rejoice at our Savior’s birth, we can’t help but go out into the world, changed, telling others of the good news. This Advent study was crafted to remind us of God’s most precious gift: Jesus
