21 Days to Sweeter FriendshipsPavyzdys

21 Days to Sweeter Friendships

18 diena iš 21

Humility Matters

Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. Philippians 2:3, ESV

I’m one of those girls who played basketball in high school. We had an amazing team with two unusually tall players. One girl was over 6’4” tall. It made us quite intimidating to other teams.

Our coach was a no-nonsense older man who showed little emotion. He often told us we needed to make it our ambition to focus only on him and the players on the court. Tune out the fans, tune out the band, tune out the cheerleaders, and focus solely on the game and his instructions. This kind of focus taught us to be champions on the basketball court.

In our relationships, we also need to have purpose and focus. Instead of living ourselves, our ambitions, and our fame, we are to count others as more important than us. We are not only to look out for ourselves and our interests but also for the interests of others.

How can we possibly do this? I’ve found that extra time focused on Jesus (my heavenly Coach) helps me succeed in my earthly relationships. What does this look like?

  1. First, I regularly talk things and people over with God.
  2. Second, I’m honest about how I feel and what is challenging with others. We discuss everyone and everything.
  3. Third, I check in during the day when people issues arise.

Pastor Adrian Rogers had some great advice when dealing with others, “Keep your gaze on Jesus, and your glance on everyone and everything else.”

Prayer– Father, would You help me live to impress You most of all? Would You then give me the strength to look out for the interests of others? This is never easy. Thank You for helping me to love humbly.

Reflect- Complete this sentence. I can gaze at Jesus more readily and more easily by …

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21 Days to Sweeter Friendships

Friendships -- Relationships -- Community. We all need and desire these things, but often we do not enjoy them like we could and as God intended. Join us for a 21-Day Bible journey to encourage better relationships and more community. You will be inspired, challenged, and offered much practical wisdom about developing and maintaining deeper and more meaningful friendships.
