21 Days to Sweeter FriendshipsPavyzdys

21 Days to Sweeter Friendships

15 diena iš 21

Open Your Home and Your Heart

Show hospitality to one another without grumbling. 1 Peter 4:9, ESV

My childhood friend Kathy is a wonderful Bible teacher, mom, and wife. She also loves to open her home and have people over. One Sunday after church, Kathy and her family talked with another family in the parking lot. The conversation lasted for a while, and Kathy finally thought to invite the other family over for lunch.

However, all she could think to fix were grilled cheese sandwiches and popcorn. So, she threw out the invitation, and they readily accepted it. Over grilled cheese, popcorn, and iced water, the families had an awesome time of fellowship. After this event, Kathy concluded that people don’t care what you fix or how clean your house is. They want to be included and invited over.

What do you think? Do you think people like to be invited over? Do you?

The Bible tells us to cheerfully share a meal with those in need and offer them a place to stay. We are to open our homes to others without grumbling, but we often don’t. Perhaps we think it is too much trouble, too expensive, or we don’t have a nice enough house to host events.

What if we do it anyway?

  • Pray about it.
  • Plan something.
  • Set your budget.
  • Host a party, cookout, sit around a fire pit, or even have an outdoor movie night.

Quit overthinking it, and do it! Take the plunge and make someone else feel loved, invited, and included.

Prayer – Would You embolden me to reach out and be hospitable to others? Give me such a love for someone that I will invite them over. Help me get over anything holding me back. I want to love others because I love You!

Reflect – Think about the story of Kathy I shared. Would you be comfortable inviting someone over for grilled cheese and popcorn? What would you like to serve? Who could you invite? What sorts of things could you do together? Write some of these ideas down. Then, invite one friend or family over. (I dare you!)

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21 Days to Sweeter Friendships

Friendships -- Relationships -- Community. We all need and desire these things, but often we do not enjoy them like we could and as God intended. Join us for a 21-Day Bible journey to encourage better relationships and more community. You will be inspired, challenged, and offered much practical wisdom about developing and maintaining deeper and more meaningful friendships.
