The Grace ~ Worship Song Devotional With KDMusicPavyzdys

The Grace ~ Worship Song Devotional With KDMusic

4 diena iš 5

Day 4: -You’ve made me your child, and that cannot be undone - The Power, the Grace of the Gospel

I hope by now you’re getting a glimpse of how magnificently unavoidable God is in your life.

The psalmist had that sense, “If I rise on the wings of the dawn, you are there. If I go the outmost end of the earth…..” Psalm 139 7-12 (NIV) The apostle Paul tapped into this sense of God’s ‘ever presence’ that all people have when he spoke to non-Christian Greeks at Mars hill in Corinth, “In Him, you live and move and have your being.” Let’s recap;

If you have surrendered to the Lordship of Jesus, God is present not just as your Creator, the Sustainer who keeps your immune system alive and your heart beating. Your new Father has adopted you. His love is rock solid. He patiently corrects and molds you to be more like Jesus.

The grace of the Lord Jesus is overflowing. He gives everything to and for you. His grace is worth more than earthly riches because it brings forgiveness & new life. You are His miracle, ‘made alive in Christ’, a new creation with new priorities, clothed in His righteousness.

Finally, through the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, you are part of His family and body, constantly united with God. You are never ever again alone, even in your darkest night. He helps you to keep running the race. He is transforming you by renewing your mind to understand His ways more and more.

That’s the wonderful thing about the gospel. It’s not dependent on you at all. Isn’t that a huge relief? If someone has told it’s about your response, your decision, your unwavering belief, well frankly, that’s not good news at all! Take another look at what the bible really says about ‘The grace,’ it’s “ Not by works so that no man can boast.’ Ephesians 2:6 You see, you and I wander, sometimes we even run away from God. But a runaway child still has a Father. And when the prodigal son returns, the Father loves him so much he runs to embrace him while he is still far off.

The gospel is ‘The power of God that brings salvation’ Romans 1. He has made me His child and that cannot be undone. This is the power; this is the grace of the gospel. The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ has power. Power to make dead things alive. We are the first part of creation he is making new ~ ‘God raised us up with Christ and seated us with Him in the heavenly realms’ Eph 2 and ultimately the whole of creation will be made new when Jesus returns.

Prayer ~ Father, thank you that you are always with me. I am never alone now that I am yours. There are times when I struggle, feel inadequate and fail you disastrously. Just like Adam and Eve, sometimes I try to hide from you. Sometimes I’ve even run away from you like the prodigal son. Thank you for the good news, that the gospel of Jesus has the power to save. Please help me to run back to you my Father. Holy Spirit, thank you for correcting me with the truth. Thanks for speaking to me through your word and changing my heart and mind. I am sure that I am yours, not because of me but your great love. Father, give me power, make me a light to shine clearly for you in a dark world. I love you, Lord. Amen.

Devotional ~ The Grace (chorus)

Love from the Father and Grace from the Son.

Joined by the Spirit, eternal three in one.

For you’ve made me your child, and that cannot be undone.

That’s the power, that’s the grace, of the gospel.

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