The Grace ~ Worship Song Devotional With KDMusicPavyzdys

The Grace ~ Worship Song Devotional With KDMusic

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Day 3: -“Your constant presence, our Guard our Guide” - The Fellowship of the Holy Spirit

And this is where we must move beyond Ian Wright & Mr. Pigden. Their story was the fuse to light up the writing of the new Hymn ‘The Grace,’ but the dynamite comes from the famous Benediction written for the Church in Corinth by the Apostle Paul. (2 Cor 13:14)

A teacher can transform the direction of your life, even be your hero, but you can still be alone. That’s not the Christian story. When we believe, we are filled by the Holy Spirit. We start dead in our sins. The “Breath of God’ works a miracle and makes us ‘Alive in Christ’. If you are unsure about miracles, then look in the mirror! God is not a show-off like the devil, but be sure of this, because of Christ, you were once dead and are now alive. The bible asks us to trust, to believe that “If the Spirit of Him who raised Christ from the dead be born in you, then He will give you life.” Romans 8:11 (NIV)

That’s when we start to experience the struggle, our new heart’s desire to endure and dig out the leftover ‘roots of the tree’ of sin that God has chopped down. It’s the call to be Holy, just like God and His Holy Spirit. This battle with sin is part of what defines a real-life Christian, so don’t be discouraged, remember ‘only a living fish can swim against the stream.’ If you are finding that living a holy life, being fully dedicated to Jesus is tough, well, you are in excellent company. Don’t give up! Keep swimming against the stream; He is with you! Jesus said He would send a comforter and advocate to be with us and that He would be with us always even to the end of the age.

More than that, your fellowship is not just with the Spirit. You are now united to other Christians in the Spirit. I love traveling to other cultures and meeting believers there. Why? Because I always feel really at home! We are united in the fellowship of the Spirit. God’s family knows no borders. We are one in Christ.

Remarkably, Hebrews & Revelation even teach us that we are in fellowship with those who have gone ahead of us to heaven. As we run the race set before us, Heaven’s ‘cloud of witnesses is cheering us on!

I was at the London marathon recently, cheering on my wife, and was overwhelmed by how the urging of the crowd lifted and carried the runners through those last tough miles. When we worship together on earth, our prayers and praises rise like incense to join the worship of heaven before the throne of God above.

So you and I now have Fellowship with God’s Spirit and with each other through Him. As we dig deep, as we train and grit our teeth, as we call on the Lord to sustain us, day by day, we are being transformed into the likeness of His Son. He transforms us by the renewing of our minds. We start to catch glimpses of how God sees things. We become aware of His constant presence, guiding us as individuals and fellowships. He is the one who holds us together, not our church leaders!

That’s why if you are a Christian who has walked away from fellowship, I urge you to get back in there. Yes, we sometimes annoy or hurt each other. We are all unpolished diamonds. But absence deprives you of an important part of ‘the fellowship of the Holy Spirit,’ and maybe more importantly, undermines that fellowship for everyone else too - because of His great love for us, we have duties to each other under God, not just rights.

Prayer: Father, please forgive me if I have wallowed in self-pity and withdrawn from fellowship. Thank you that Jesus loved the church and gave himself for her. Turn my gaze to what pleases you, to love your people as Jesus does. In your strength, show me today how I can carry someone else’s burden for a while. Holy Spirit, thanks that you are always with me. Open my eyes, bring the truth of your word alive in my heart like a purifying fire. Please make me a restorer of friendships; a good daughter or son, a loving husband or wife, a child who honours my aging parents. Please help me to cultivate the fruit of the Spirit in all my relationships. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Devotional ~ The Grace verse 3

Filled by His Spirit who breathes new life,

Called to be Holy, Alive in Christ,

Your truth transforms us, renews our minds,

Your constant presence, our Guard our Guide.

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