Real Hope: God's Heart for YouPavyzdys

Real Hope: God's Heart for You

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From My Heart to Yours

When I discovered there really is a God who loves me, all I wanted to do was tell everyone I met that God loved them, too. 

Receiving love that is eternal, unshakable, and foundational forms a sense of who we are. I am God’s beloved and so are you. Faithfulness is so rare in our world; however, our God’s heart toward us is always faithful. He gifts us with new mercies every day and we are given the joy of looking for those signs of kindness, receiving them with grateful hearts and sharing them with others.

That might sound pretty simple, but I have experienced this profound truth in several ways. The most obvious has been through others who have extended God’s kindness to me. However, even when I am alone God’s mercies are there waiting to be seen. The constant reach of the waves on a shoreline, the awe-inspiring light show of a night studded with stars, flowers that burst forth in the bush are just a few of God’s expressions of faithful love to us.

The Bible is a wonderful source of God’s heart for us—letters of love passed on from generation to generation. It is such a rare gift, a beautiful mercy to have these letters written by people who listened to God’s heart and wrote His poetry of love for us. There are also accounts of people who discovered the same God who loves us. Their lives were changed by that love, and God’s heart is that we would be changed by love too.

What a great mercy to wake each day to live with the fullness of so many love gifts, each signed by God—from my heart to yours.

Written by Kath Henry
Find out more about Hope 103.2 

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