Taste and See: Exploring God's GoodnessPavyzdys

Taste and See: Exploring God's Goodness

6 diena iš 6

God Himself Is Good

We’ve looked at characteristics of God, but at the core of it, the most important truth is not loving what He can bring to us, but loving God Himself because He, the great I AM, is really all we need. We look for the gifts and miss the Giver.

The Giver is the gift!

God is at the center of everything. Before time even became a breath, it was He who hovered over the abyss, and who dreamed of a universe to come. God Himself is the ultimate. We can hold to His character as much as we can, but the real revelation is not what God provides, but who He is

God is wholly and fully enough for you. And God wants nothing more than to be everything for you. When we pray, we may ask for certain things, but sometimes, God just wants to give us His presence. His comfort. His Holy Spirit that is with us and guides us. God wants to spend time with you and for you to know Him better. Getting to know Him is the greatest gift.

When you’re twisting your head to look through the storm, be still and know that God is God. Keep your eyes fixed on Jesus, the author and perfecter of your faith who has everything already arranged. He who calms the storm and walks on water watches over you.

He is the first and the last and is over all things. In His presence is our peace and that is assuring. He is not distant. He is closer than you can dream. He will never let you down, even if life does. God satisfies every deep longing you’ve recognized within and has gone to the greatest lengths to set you free from imposters that vied for your heart.

Everywhere you turn, He is there. Fall into His arms and cast all your cares on Him. He greatly cares for you, and shows you every day. 

Is God enough for you? 

We hope this Plan encouraged you.

Diena 5

Apie šį planą

Taste and See: Exploring God's Goodness

What does God’s goodness look like? This six-day plan walks you through aspects of God’s character that shape the way you see Him and will help you learn to look for His goodness in your life. No good thing does He withhold from His children; it’s time to uncover His goodness for you.
