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Loving Your Community By Stephen ViarsPavyzdys

Loving Your Community By Stephen Viars

6 diena iš 7

Day 6

Supernatural Love Overcomes Obstacles

Some of us do not really feel like loving our neighbors. We feel like ignoring them, criticizing them, or being repulsed by them. Let’s be honest: likely many of us have battled this kind of attitude from time to time. But often authentic Christianity starts with a choice to obey God even when it is hard.

I have been in enough conversations on this subject over the years that I can practically hear the objections: 

“But my neighbors are hard to love.” 

“This culture is too far gone for such methods.” 

“My community is just too dark.”

Jesus anticipated this response and countered with the repeated explanation that biblical love is an expression of obedience. Then He turned their attention—and ours—to what He would accomplish through His work on the cross. He told them He would “ask the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may be with you forever” (John 14:16). 

The Holy Spirit takes up permanent residence in those who repent and believe in Christ. This Spirit begins cultivating marvelous fruit in the life of every believer, including the characteristic of love for others.

The Lord also explained the miraculous union we have with both Him and the Father. We actually are like branches growing out of a supernatural vine, tended by the heavenly Father, Himself. It is now possible for us to abide in His love.

This makes the challenge of loving our communities far more achievable. When we simply focus on the depth of the problems around us or the weakness of our own ability to love, the task can seem unattainable. Christ wants us to open our spiritual eyes and see the potential of abiding in His love and relating to others in ways that are fruitful and glorifying to Him. As we consider how to position ourselves in our communities, we should think carefully and prayerfully about Jesus’ admonition to abide in His love. 

What work is the Holy Spirit doing in your heart to transform your attitudes about loving and serving others?

Diena 5Diena 7

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