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Loving Your Community By Stephen ViarsPavyzdys

Loving Your Community By Stephen Viars

3 diena iš 7

Day 3

Harmful Attitudes Get in the Way of Love

God’s people often have interacted with our world in ways that are ineffective, confusing, and even damaging to the cause of Christ. Such interactions have included the extremes of hatred, apathy, and self-righteousness.

Though as a pastor it’s hard for me to say this, I have sometimes wondered if the church is a hiding place for some people whose hearts are filled with hate. The vitriol of their public involvement discredits their message. As I look back over my ministry these last several decades, I see there have been too many times when what I said or wrote was something other than peaceable, gentle, and full of mercy.

As for apathy, early in my ministry, an editor of our local newspaper told me that people don’t care about a problem or issue unless it affects them directly. I have reluctantly come to believe that he was right. Many Christians, especially those who tend to be conservative in their theology and practice, have abandoned the public square. Often this is simply because of the pace of modern life. Rarely is there much bandwidth left to interact with those in our communities who are hurting. 

Another ingredient in this toxic brew is the church’s tendency to believe we are better than others. For example, we speak about those who are jobless or homeless as if they wouldn’t be in that condition if they worked as hard as we do. Do you believe you are intrinsically better than those who are struggling in your community or are the strengths and successes in your life the result of God’s grace? 

Thankfully, all of us can honestly evaluate our attitudes, words, and choices, and if necessary, take steps to change. We can become more of what God desires. What greater motivation do you need than the privilege of being used to make an eternal difference in the life of someone else? People will not come to Christ because of a Christian’s hatred, anger, pride, self-righteousness, or apathy.

But they might come because of your love.

Have you ever been guilty of hatred, self-righteousness, or apathy? Do those tendencies surface with a particular kind of person or situation? If so, in what ways and in which situations?

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