

7 diena iš 10

"To the Ends of the Earth (Missional Movements)"

A relative started attending a new church and shared excitement at the vision of the pastor that, together, their church of a few thousand could reach 700,000 people with the gospel in the next 10 years. Numbers like that sound elusive, but they are far easier and simpler to reach than any of us would dare believe—especially with the help of the Holy Spirit.

Don Osman explains the power of simply pointing one person to the goodness of Jesus:

“If I were a big-time evangelist and every year I led 30,000 people to Christ, over a 22 year period, I would have led 660,000 people to Christ.

But if I decided as a strategic evangelist to reach one unsaved person and disciple that one person so that he or she would reach another person, over a 22 year period, through a multiplication process, I would have reached over 1 million people.”

The impact we can all have by simply obeying the simple words of Jesus is astounding.

As you can see, if we are all a bit more intentional, and take our efforts deeper into relationship with people, we can make a huge difference.

Let’s all agree to share the great movement of God and help other people see the same awakening we have experienced in our own hearts and lives.

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We keep hearing about weakening faith in our country, but God is alive and well in America. He is working right here and now in people of faith. This devotional by evangelist and author Matt Brown will awaken your heart and soul to God's presence and to the power of Christianity today, which will in turn ignite your faith and change your world.
