Alive In ChristPavyzdys

Alive In Christ

4 diena iš 5

 Holy Detergent 

In John 11:39 Jesus tells the crowd  to roll away the stone in front of the tomb of Lazarus. Martha, the sister of Lazarus, protests "Lord, he has been dead four days. The smell will be terrible."

Don’t you just love Martha? I so relate to her. I’m a smeller too, and I also tend to worry about things that are trivial. I have a feeling that we all do. Jesus is about to perform the greatest miracle that they’ve ever seen and Martha is worried about the smell. Jesus reminds her that if she believed, she would see the glory of God. He’s essentially telling Martha (and us) to not worry about the things we can’t control. Our situations may smell, but no matter how ugly, rotten, or dead they seem, if we trust in Jesus, He’ll show up and show us His glory. He’s like holy detergent bringing fresh and new life to everything He touches. 

This makes me think of pulling a batch of white towels out of the dryer. Before I fold them, I stick my face inside the towels and take a giant whiff. They look white and clean, feel warm and soft, and smell delightful. I love to breathe in the scent of their freshness. 

This is a picture of what our lives look like after Jesus gets ahold of us. He personally saves you and me from the stench of sin in our own lives. Just like mildewed, dirty towels, we’re dead in our sins and we smell. Jesus replaces our smelly grave clothes—our sinful nature—with robes of righteousness. It’s like He’s wrapping our bodies in white, clean, soft, fresh-smelling towels. He’s our holy detergent, making us and our circumstances smell heavenly. He brings new life to believers and to situations that reek with death. Jesus pours His fragrance on His children, and as we surrender our lives to Him, we become a sweet aroma to those all around us. Don’t you love smelling good?

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Alive In Christ

One of the most profound miracles recorded in the Bible is when Jesus raises Lazarus from death. This story is rich in symbolism and shows both the humanity and divinity of Christ. Jesus knew Lazarus and his family intimately—they were His dear friends. In this story, each of these individuals is experiencing death. Lazarus was dead physically, while Martha and Mary were grieving the loss of their brother and experiencing the death of hope and expectation. Jesus meets each of them personally and displays His resurrection power in every area of their lives. Join me in this five-day plan and let’s see how the resurrection power of Christ can make us alive to new life in Him.
