Alive In ChristPavyzdys

Alive In Christ

3 diena iš 5

 Wake-Up Call

In this story, Jesus was in a town called Bethabara with His disciples when He got word that one of His closest friends, Lazarus, was deathly ill. When he heard this news, He told His disciples that Lazarus’ sickness would not end in death. It was only a one-day journey to get to Lazarus in Judea, but Jesus waited four more days before returning there. He waited until Lazarus had died. Jesus told His disciples that Lazarus had fallen asleep and that He was going there to wake him up. Lazarus was getting ready to get the wake-up call of his life. He was dead and Jesus was coming to literally bring him back to life. 

When we accept Jesus as our savior, we too experience a divine wake-up call. We become spiritually awakened to new life in Him. We weren’t built to do life without God. If we never experience new life in Christ, then like Lazarus, we’re dead in our sins. It’s not a physical death, but a spiritual one. When we surrender our lives to Jesus, He comes in and supernaturally wakes us up, opens our spiritual eyes, and makes us alive in Him! We’re awakened to God’s presence in our lives. Passing from death to new life is a miracle. Lazarus got to experience this miraculous wake-up call and so can we.

This same concept of falling asleep can also apply to us as believers when we find ourselves going through the motions in our faith and not daily connecting with Jesus through prayer and reading His Word. We can become like sleepwalking Christians going through life in a spiritual slumber. Jesus often uses people, circumstances, and even miracles to wake us up and re-engage us in relationship with Him. He wants us to know Him. We are most fulfilled in this life when we’re walking daily with Jesus, attentive to His leadings and fully awake to His presence. 

Do you need Jesus to wake you up to new life in Him? Have you fallen asleep in your faith? Let Jesus come in and give you a divine wake-up call.

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Alive In Christ

One of the most profound miracles recorded in the Bible is when Jesus raises Lazarus from death. This story is rich in symbolism and shows both the humanity and divinity of Christ. Jesus knew Lazarus and his family intimately—they were His dear friends. In this story, each of these individuals is experiencing death. Lazarus was dead physically, while Martha and Mary were grieving the loss of their brother and experiencing the death of hope and expectation. Jesus meets each of them personally and displays His resurrection power in every area of their lives. Join me in this five-day plan and let’s see how the resurrection power of Christ can make us alive to new life in Him.
