예수님의 말구유로 가는 여정예제

Journey To The Manger

70 중 30 일째

 God’s Redemptive Plan

When Jesus came to earth, His own people didn’t recognize Him. Even though the Jews had been blessed with the testimony of their prophets and a long history of God’s continuous faithfulness, they still didn’t recognize the long-awaited Messiah. They maintained that He would come to save them from their political oppressors, destroying the pagan worship and bondage of Roman rule. He would usher in the kingdom of God. In their minds, that meant reestablishing the twelve tribes of Israel to prominence and power.

But Jesus didn’t come to set the record straight by doing away with the despised pagan Gentiles. He came to usher in a kingdom not of this earth—and to bring God’s truth and presence to a broken world.

How different are we from those who missed their King’s coming when pride blinds us to the truth of God’s redemptive plan? May we be like the few whose spiritual eyes were open to see the true coming of His kingdom.

Activity: Jesus taught us to pray for the kingdom to come. Ask a stranger if you can pray for them about their specific needs.

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묵상 소개

Journey To The Manger

아주 고요했던 2000여 년 전 밤에, 천사들은 그들의 양떼를 보살피던 양치기들에게 구세주 탄생의 소식을 알렸습니다. 그리고 그 소식을 들은 후에 그 양치기들은 베들레헴 그 말구유에 있는 아기를 찾아 모든 것을 버리고 떠났습니다. 오랜 시간이 지난 지금도, 그 초대는 여전히 변하지 않았습니다. 찰스 스탠리 박사의 이야기를 들어보셔요. 그가 이 계절, 당신을 구세주에게 가까이 갈 수 있게 도울 것이며 하나님 아버지의 사랑 안에 쉴 수 있도록 권할 것입니다.


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