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12 Days Of Thanksgiving보기

12 Days Of Thanksgiving

12 중 2 일째

Today, let us take a moment to breath in the goodness of the Lord’s GRACE. 2 Corinthians 9:14 – 15 shares: they will pray for you with deep affection because of the overflowing grace God has given to you. Thank God for this gift too wonderful for words! Thank God for the grace, or good will, loving-kindness and favor coming from God, as shared by the Strong’s concordance.

Today, think of all the ways the Lord has extended His Holy influence upon your life by turning you to Christ, keeping and strengthening you. What are all the ways the Lord has increased your faith, knowledge, affection and kindness? Jot down whatever comes to mind, and then take each blessing before the Lord with thanks.

Also, think even of those moments of challenge, trial and sorrow. How did your faith grow? 1 Thessalonians exhorts to be thankful in all circumstances. The grace extended during our hardships and wrestling, is perhaps the deepest and vastest. Thank and praise the Lord for seeing you through and bringing you through the depths to more tangibly experience and taste the Grace that is too wonderful for words. Give thanks and praises to the Lord because HE IS GOOD and His faithful love, mercy and grace endures forever!

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묵상 소개

12 Days Of Thanksgiving

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