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The Greatest Motivation보기

The Greatest Motivation

4 중 2 일째

Let's understand that to have a heart full of gratitude toward our God, we need to recognize:

We must recognize His unconditional love and mercy toward us (Psalm 103:3a). He is the one who forgives. Who forgives? The one who loves! We must be grateful to the Lord because, despite our sins, iniquities, and disobedience, He loves us and forgives us unconditionally through His mercy (Lamentations 3:22).

We must recognize His goodness and wonders in our lives (Psalm 103:3b). We need to understand that in every healing process, it's God's hand intervening on our behalf because He is the one who gives life and has the final say. Doctors and science can provide treatments and procedures, but only God gives life (Psalms 21:4). We should be grateful whether it’s through miraculous means, treatments, or surgical procedures, because it’s God's power and goodness manifested on our behalf. And we must understand that "disease" means indisposition, illness, or health alteration: both physically and emotionally. This means God has taken care of every area of our lives.

We must recognize that only our God can help us when it seems there is no hope (Psalm 103:4a). In the original text, the word "pit" refers literally to the hole of the grave, meaning situations that seem to have no way out or solution and for which NO ONE HAS THE ANSWER. But there is a God in heaven who has the answers our lives need (Daniel 2:27-28).

Conclusion: We must have a heart full of gratitude, recognizing all that God has done for us. This gratitude should be THE GREATEST MOTIVATION to keep going and not turn back. There is no greater motivation than recognizing God's great love for each of us (Romans 5:8).

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묵상 소개

The Greatest Motivation

Discover the greatest motivation for a Christian life through a heart of gratitude in this four-day Bible plan. Reflect on God's unconditional love, mercy, and faithfulness as revealed in Psalms 103 and 138. Learn to ove...


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